CMS/ONC Patient access API
The Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield1 Interoperability API provides third-party app developers access to FHIR based APIs pursuant to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule (CMS-9115-F).
The Patient Access API will allow developers to retrieve, with the approval and at the direction of an applicable ABCBS member or the member's personal representative, certain data, as applicable, concerning adjudicated claims, encounter data from providers, formulary data, and certain clinical data, if ABCBS maintains any such data.
The Provider Directory API will allow developers to retrieve, as applicable, certain ABCBS provider and pharmacy directory information.
The Developer Sandbox will allow developers to test their application's connection to the APIs without establishing production access to the APIs.
Getting Started Important Documentation- The Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield family of affiliates includes USAble Mutual Insurance Company, d/b/a Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, USAble HMO, Inc., d/b/a Arkansas Blue Medicare, USAble PPO Insurance Company, d/b/a Arkansas Blue Medicare Plus, and HMO Partners, Inc., d/b/a Health Advantage.