Dental providers
Helpful contact numbers
Effective January 1, 2020, dental administration services moved from Arkansas Blue Cross to USAble Life. Your current network manager is still available to provide the exceptional level of support you have come to expect from Arkansas Blue Cross, but their contact information has changed. Although, Sheila Ward and Steven Seymour are employees of USAble Life, they will continue to provide dental provider relations for Arkansas Blue Cross.
Dental provider relations
USAble Life
Dental Provider Relations
P. O. Box 1650
Little Rock, AR 72203
Email: [email protected]
- Demographic changes
- Credentialing
- Re-credentialing
- ABCBS Quick Reference Guide
Dental provider network managers

Steven Seymour
Counties include:
Arkansas, Ashley, Baxter, Benton, Boone, Bradley, Carroll, Chicot, Clark, Cleveland, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Garland, Grant, Hot Spring, Jefferson, Lee, Lincoln, Madison, Marion, Monroe, Montgomery, Newton, Perry, Phillips, Pike, Pulaski, Saline, Searcy, Washington and Yell.
Sheila Ward
Counties include:
Calhoun, Clay, Cleburne, Columbia, Conway, Craighead, Crawford, Crittenden, Cross, Faulkner, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Hempstead, Howard, Independence, Izard, Johnson, Lafayette, Lawrence, Little River, Logan, Lonoke, Miller, Mississippi, Nevada, Ouachita, Poinsett, Polk, Pope, Prairie, Randolph, Scott, Sebastian, Sevier, Sharp, St. Francis, Stone, Union, Van Buren and Woodruff.
If customer service is unable to help, please have a reference number before calling or emailing for assistance.
ABCBS (Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield)
- Federal Employee Program (FEP) customer service - 1-800-482-6655
- Availity - 1-800-282-4548
- Waiting periods - Members should contact their employee or agent.
- Availity escalated issues - Have Availity reference number available when calling - 855-822-2446
Plans administered by Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
(Dental Select PPO, Dental Select PPO Plus, Arkansas Blue Cross DentalBlue PPP, Medicare Advantage)
- Third Party Claims Administrator - benefits, eligibility, customer service - 1-888-224-5213
- Electronic Services: electronic claims, electronic funds transfer (EFT), portal issues - 1-800-633-5430
FEP Dental/Grid
Contact the number on the member's ID card or call 1-855-504-2583