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Value-based programs

Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield and our family of companies have been working with doctors, hospitals and state and federal government organizations to develop value-based care programs in Arkansas.


Value-Based Care

Value-based care focuses on getting value from quality services. It is a shift from fee-for-service, or volume-based care. With value-based care, payments to doctors and hospitals are partially based on keeping people healthy, rather than simply the number of tests or services performed. Providers are rewarded for coordinating care, providing appropriate care, preventive services, and for positive health outcomes.

The following programs are available to health care providers and/or hospitals in the Arkansas Blue Cross networks.

Primary Care Value-Based program

Blueprint Primary Care aims to strengthen primary care through payment reform and care delivery transformation. Blueprint Primary Care combines the elements of the patient-centered medical home care delivery model with an advanced payment model for the organization and delivery of healthcare that helps to improve the patient’s experience of care, improve the health of populations, and reduce or control the costs of healthcare.

Blueprint Value Collaborative

Blueprint Value Collaboratives are groups of doctors, hospital, and other healthcare professionals who come together to provide coordinated, cost-efficient high-quality care. They are similar to accountable care organizations.

Arkansas Blue Cross works with primary care physicians within a Blueprint Value Collaborative to jointly manage the quality and efficiency of care. Though this approach, the Blueprint Value Collaborative stakeholders work together to meet shared quality and financial targets.